How Can I Tell if Someone’s Health Is Suffering Because of Harassment?
In the modern world, workplace harassment, discrimination and any other forms of bullying are prevented by law. However, problems still occur, especially when people from different backgrounds are forced to work together.
Because of this, many people suffer poor mental and physical health as a result of long-term harassment. Some people neglect to ask for help because they’re embarrassed, while others may accept harassment as the norm. As a result, they suffer in silence.
This brings us to today’s pressing question: “How can you tell if someone’s health is suffering because of workplace harassment?”
Although this is a complicated question that requires a lot of thought, we’ve explored a few tell-tale signs in the rest of this article.
- They Lack Motivation for Things They Used to Enjoy
If you notice one of your colleagues starting to lose motivation for their work and other activities they use to thrive off, there could be a problem. Pay careful attention to people who appear sadder or more emotional than usual, and consider approaching them with an offer of help if required.
For example, let’s say that you work in a close-knit team who regularly socialises outside of work hours. If you have a colleague who begins to continually decline invitations to after-work drinks or other activities, consider approaching them and asking if anything’s wrong.
- They Aren’t Being Productive
If you have a colleague who doesn’t seem to be able to focus on the job and remain productive, they could be suffering from poor mental health. A lack of motivation and poor concentration have both been linked to workplace bullying and harassment.
For example, you might have a colleague who usually loves their work and who tends to give 100% every day. If they begin to drop their game, consider approaching them to see if they need help. If it turns out that they are being bullied or harassed, support them in seeking legal or medical help as required.
- They Call in Sick Regularly
Once again, the lack of motivation caused by deteriorating mental health is a key sign to watch out for. A colleague who calls in sick regularly, for no apparent reason, may be suffering from some sort of mental health problems that aren’t immediately obvious.
If you notice this, there are two things you could do. First, approach the person directly (but in a sensitive manner) and ask if they’d like help with anything. Secondly, consider having a chat with your employer or HR manager and conveying your concerns.
Final Word
Workplace bullying and discrimination are never okay. When ignored and not dealt with, they can lead to significant mental and physical health problems. We’ve outlined a few of the key signs to look out for if you think a colleague may be suffering as a result of workplace harassment. Pay attention to these, and do what you can to provide support and encourage them to take further action where required.